WJR =   Wisconsin jurisdictional share of the
  annual native system requirement.
AAFC =   Average annual fuel cost.
AAFCF =   Forecast of the average annual fuel cost
  in the approved fuel cost plan.
FCT =   Fuel cost tolerance.
(2)A deferred account balance credit shall be calculated using the following formula:
If   AAFC is < (AAFCF x (1-FCT))
Then   DABC = WJR x [(AAFCF x (1 – FCT)) – AAFC]
Where   DABC =   Deferred account balance credit.
WJR =   Wisconsin jurisdictional share of the
  annual native system requirement.
AAFC =   Average annual fuel cost.
AAFCF =   Forecast of the average annual fuel cost
  in the approved fuel cost plan.
FCT =   Fuel cost tolerance.
(3)A utility’s fuel cost tolerance shall be set at plus or minus two percent, unless the commission sets a different percentage when approving a fuel cost plan under s. PSC 116.03 (3).
History: CR 08-070: cr. Register February 2011 No. 662, eff. 3-1-11.
PSC 116.07Reconciliation.
(1)Annually, but no later than 90 days after the end of the plan year, a utility shall file an application for the reconciliation of actual cost for items in an approved fuel cost plan for the plan year.
(2)The utility in its application shall identify and explain the following:
(a) Fuel cost.
(b) Deferred account balances.
(c) Deferred account balance debit or deferred account balance credit as of the end of the plan year.
(d) Excess revenues.
(e) Deviations from the approved fuel cost plan, including differences in scheduled and in forced outage rates.
(3)The commission shall commence a proceeding to consider the application and shall conclude the proceeding no later than 240 days after the end of the plan year. The commission shall review all of the items identified in sub. (2) and may request that the utility provide any other information the commission considers appropriate.
(a) If after hearing the commission finds the utility demonstrated that the deferred account balance debit is accurate and includes only prudently-expended fuel costs, the commission shall authorize the utility to recover in rates the amount of the deferred account balance debit less any amount of fuel costs already collected from customers under s. PSC 116.08, plus any fuel costs already credited to customers under s. PSC 116.08, and less any utility excess revenues.
(b) If the amount already collected from customers under s. PSC 116.08 is greater than the deferred account balance debit found in par. (a) less any excess revenues, the commission shall order the utility to credit the difference to customers.
(c) If after opportunity for hearing the commission finds a deferred account balance credit, the commission shall order the utility to credit to customers the amount of the deferred account balance credit, plus any amount already collected from customers under s. PSC 116.08, and less any amount already credited to customers under s. PSC 116.08.
(5)For any amount under sub. (4), the commission shall do all of the following:
(a) Establish a date upon which collection may begin or credit shall begin, and a date upon which the collection or credit shall terminate.
(b) Calculate the rate of collection or credit using the current fuel cost plan.
(c) Calculate and apply interest to the amount starting on the first day of the plan year in which collection or credit occurs until the termination date established in par. (a), by applying the utility’s authorized short-term debt rate to the outstanding amount, on a monthly basis.
(6)Based on the termination date established in sub. (5) (a), any amount over-collected or under-credited shall be charged to the appropriate deferred account.
History: CR 08-070: cr. Register February 2011 No. 662, eff. 3-1-11.
PSC 116.08Mid-year rate adjustment.
(1)The commission may commence a proceeding to adjust rates for a utility during a plan year if all of the following apply:
(a) During the plan year the commission projects that the utility’s average annual fuel cost will differ materially from the forecast of the average annual fuel cost used in an approved fuel cost plan.
(b) The difference is due to extraordinary circumstances.
(c) The commission finds that the absolute value, at current rates, of the difference at the end of the plan year between the commission’s projection of utility average annual fuel cost and the commission’s approved forecast of utility average annual fuel cost, as specified in par. (a), likely will be of sufficient magnitude to cause a material change to rates.
(2)After a hearing, the commission may approve a rate change that is designed to avoid a difference of such magnitude.
(3)The commission may not adjust an approved fuel cost plan in an order under sub. (2).
(4)A utility may not obtain an increase in rates under sub. (2) more than once during a plan year.
History: CR 08-070: cr. Register February 2011 No. 662, eff. 3-1-11.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.